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Powering Forward:

Presidential and Executive Agency Actions
to Drive Clean Energy in America

Paris Agreement

In December 2015 after 21 years of negotiations, 195 nations gathered in Paris and signed off on an international climate action agreement.

PARIS – The world made history at approximately 7:25 p.m. Paris time on Saturday when 195 nations did something that had never been done before. They all agreed on something.

The “something” is really something: a global commitment to confront global climate change after 21 years of diplomatic wrangling. In the plenary hall at a former airport in Paris, there were tears among the hundreds of delegates and support staff who worked for years toward this achievement, climaxing in more than two weeks of around the clock effort to reach that moment on Saturday. Among them were a tired Secretary of State John Kerry and an obviously delighted Al Gore, who has dedicated years of his life and has taken enormous abuse for his efforts to persuade the world that climate action threatens our survival.

Presidential Climate Action Project Reports

Report 3

Action Plan Brief

Report 2

Report 1

• Issue guidelines on pricing carbon
• Decarbonize federal fiscal policy
• Create a roadmap to a clean energy economy
• Challenge the U.S. to become the world’s most resource efficient nation
• Develop genuine progress indicators
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The principal challenge facing the 44th President of the United States is to rally the nation to create a new 21st century economy. The United States, like other industrialized nations, has arrived at the cusp between two eras.
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• Emphasize climate action as risk management
• Make federal progress on emissions more transparent
• Count the full social & environmental costs of energy options
• Encourage private investment in clean energy
• Create a 50-year agriculture plan
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• Declare a war on energy waste
• Reinvent transportation policy
• Eliminate fossil energy subsidies
• Emphasize ecosystem restoration

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